perhaps the most absolutely fucked up part about the casteslums was just how many trolls around the age of 2-4 sweeps there were.

fenrah was one of these trolls.
fenrah, a troll who was so sickly that almost no one could tell if she was a bronzeblood or a goldblood because her blood had become so discolored, was a good friend of mine in my earlier days. of course, she wouldnt be for very long, but we havent gotten to that yet.
fenrah was riddled with disease, always in pain and would vomit often. she could obviously never get proper medical care, although everyone tried their best to help her. she knew she was going to die at her rather young age of 2 sweeps, so she was going to make the most of it. she was like a tornado, causing destruction everywhere she went, and i was swept into it all.
one night she decided to take me outside of the casteslums, albeit without parhac's permission. we ran all the way to a wealthy area full of higher midbloods and highbloods. specifically, there was a store she wanted to steal from; a store selling clothing like frilly dresses and formal vests, which couldnt have sold much considering how little alternia cared about fashion. she said there was a pretty dress that she wanted, black and white, adorned with lace and embroidered with flowers. back in the casteslums our clothes were shit, so it would be something special, just for her, before she passed.
we did manage to sneak in and steal it. we were residents of the casteslums, so we always had to be stealthy and alert. but we didn't leave without the shopkeeper making a scene about it.

yep. babys first experience with casteism. but hey, at least my friend got an awesome dress from it all.