you may be expecting parhac to have always look so wide-eyed and curious. but in reality, parhac ususally looked more like a kicked barkbeast.

me and parhac lived somewhere called the casteslums, a very poor city on alternia where mostly lowbloods lived. to be honest, maybe the real reason parhac looked at me like that was because of my blood color, because there were hardly any midbloods in the casteslums. to see another oliveblood would be like seeing a cryptid.
the casteslums were so poor that they didnt even have a lot of the privileges the rest of alternia had. no lusii, although lusii were related to the city (as explained on the next page), no signs, so i didn't even have a sign for the first few sweeps of my life...hell, we didn't even have the trials most young trolls go through before being assigned a lusus.
although, it's not really all that difficult to say that the casteslums were the trials.