nepeta's multiverse theory

if you know me, you probably know that i believe in the multiverse theory. every "fictional" property, whether it be a tv show or a video game or whatever, actually exists within a dimension on its own plane of reality, all linked together in one big multiverse. everyone's stance on this theory is different, and after some recent revelations, i've decided that now is the time to share my own interpretation of this theory, based on my own experiences and even slightly based on events in this dimension (keyword being slightly, seeing as "evidence" can easily be fabricated and/or edited together nowadays).

the nitty-gritty of my theory

my theory isn't much different from most theories out there. i've already kind of explained my main points in that first paragraph, actually. but there is a lot more to my theory than just that, such as the types of dimensions there are and various other phenomena.

okay, but what is the multiverse?

the multiverse is the sole thing apart from bonding (see: bonding) holding every single dimension together. it is not a corporeal being, nor does it have any kind of thoughts or emotions, but it does, in a way, have some air of sentience. think of it as an antivirus program: its sole purpose is to keep things in check. it's not always perfect with how it does things (see: blips), but if its mistakes are long-lasting and detrimental, it is bound to notice and fix them. if you were to rank its intelligence through animals, it would have about the intelligence of a dog, using trial and error to do things until something works. it can also be compared to an organelle within a cell in the fact that, while it is not any kind of living creature, it still has the capability of carrying out complex tasks.

to sum it up, the multiverse is just kind of a concept. it's a computer, it's duct tape, it's a plume of colorful fog, and it's also a caveman running around and bashing rocks together until grug make fire

how are dimensions created?

usually it starts out as a single universe, which is created just about how any other universe is created; big bang, particles and shit, blah blah blah. eventually it branches out into other universes, which in turns may also cause the dimension itself to branch out (the first image under "so, what types of dimensions are there?" is an example of branching dimensions). this process is something i call universal germination, the growing of a dimension, like that of a plant.

so, what types of dimensions are there?

well, i believe i explained it best in these two images.

the first image was me attempting to map out my fictionkin sources, and the second image was me explaining them to a friend of mine. there are multiple types of dimensions: main/hub dimensions, facets, sub-facets, and twin dimensions, which i've already explained all of those dimension types. there are many, many more dimension types than just those ones, and i am still trying to gather more conclusions regarding them.

what is dimensional death?

obviously, just like ours, all dimensions have the potential to cease existance. this is a concept i've dubbed "dimensional death". sometimes it can be gradual, and other times its sudden. causes of dimensional death include:

upon dimensional death, all traces of that dimension are wiped from other dimensions that may have told its story. however, some traces can slip through the cracks. rediscovering these traces is how dimensional revival can occur (see: dimensional revival).

other phenomena

the multiversal link

to put it simply, the multiversal link is the link all dimensions have through existing within the same multiverse. even if a dimension is not bonded (see: bonding), those living within it can still sense different aspects and events from other dimensions due to the multiversal link, whether consciously or not. this is why things such as otherkin are possible. for example, phantom shifts (in which someone experiences the feeling of supernumerary phantom limbs, or in some cases an entire body, from a past life of theirs) are a result of the multiversal link.

interdimensional narration

interdimensional narration is perhaps the most important factor in the multiversal link between dimensions. interdimensional narration occurs when someone unconsciously (or in some cases, consciously) tells the story of another dimension. this is something seen in daily life; if you have ever been invested in a piece of media that details any kind of plot with characters in it (which you definitely have), then you have consumed interdimensional narration.

interdimensional narration is so important because it keeps a separate dimension from being lost to time completely and dying a silent death. without interdimensional narration, things like fictionkin wouldn't be able to exist as a concept outside of the general feelings you get from being kin, because we would never be able to discover our sources and kintypes. also, things would just be damn boring without it! imagine if things considered works of fiction like cartoons and comics didn't exist. fucking awful.


bonding is when two or more dimensions are linked with each other in some way or another. if two different dimensions are narrated by the same person, those two dimensions will be bonded, so if one suffers dimensional death, the other will as well. bonds can be loose, meaning that the interdimensional narrator had more involvement in one dimension than another, or they can be strong, meaning that the interdimensional narrator had equal involvement in both dimensions. depending on what bond the dimensions have, dimensional merging is able to occur.

dimensional merging

as explained under "so, what types of dimensions are there?", dimensional merging is a possiblity under extremely specific circumstances. as stated before, no kind of dimensional merge between our dimension and the dimension your favorite anime is in is possible, seeing as our dimension is not necessarily bonded to another. only bonded dimensions (depending on the severity of the bond) can merge, and even then, why would you want that? if our dimension merged with another, everyone would become gross amalgamations of each other and would be in extreme pain, objects would be clipping through walls, gravity would be turned off in certain areas and extremely heightened in others, etc etc etc, until dimensional death occured. and you really, really wouldn't want that. not to mention that dimensional merging often leaves a huge hole in the multiverse where those dimensions once were, and that can cause other dimensions to die off!

even if our dimension is not currently bonded to another, though, we are still under a slight risk of such a thing happening, keyword being slight. if someone in a different dimension narrates both our story and the story of another dimension, this means that our dimension will be bonded with that dimension. nevertheless, dimensional merging is extremely rare, and as i said before, this is only a slight risk.

dimensional revival

dimensional revival, unlike most of the other concepts here, isn't very literal in regards to its name. rather, it is a psychological phenomenon in which someone recovers memories from a past life of theirs that took place in a now dead dimension. literal dimensional revival is impossible, due to the nature of dimensional bonding and such, but rather dimensional revival is reconnecting to one's once completely lost roots. dimensional revival is quite rare, and i myself haven't encountered anyone else who has experienced it.

note that lost media and rediscovering it does not fit under this category. just because something has been lost doesn't mean it has died completely.


blips, or dimensional glitching, is basically what it sounds like. it's impossible or seemingly nonsensical things happening in a dimension for no discernable reason. this can be psychological, which is usually a more minor example of a blip. an example of a psychological blip is the mandela effect, in which a large majority of people falsely remember something that they were previously sure of. for example, kit-kats. chocolate wafer bar, very good. always had a dash in the name, right?

WRONG. kitkats NEVER had a dash in their name. its always just been a single word. and if you thought it did, you're not alone. this is an experience many people share, including myself. i was literally eating a kitkat the other day and i could've sworn the wrapper had a dash on it. of course, due to this being relatively minor, the multiverse hasnt taken notice of mass false memories like this and thus hasn't fixed them yet.

there can be more extreme cases of a blip as well, such as in physical blips. i have an experience regarding a physical blip of my own, although it wasn't in my dimension, and was simply something i sensed while it happened. this takes place in the dimension of homestuck, in which karkat, while on earth c, accidentally no-clipped through his plane of reality. that's definitely not supposed to happen, so he was sent out of bounds into the multiverse itself, which caused him to suffer an infinite death loop. or, well, it would be infinite, if the multiverse didn't realize its mistake and send him back to earth c, where he was very shaken up from the whole thing. i felt an awful, unwavering mental agony as this happened, knowing that i was unable to do anything while he was stuck dying over and over. i am okay now, and i'm glad that he's okay.

if blips are severe enough, they can cause outright dimensional death. this is extremely rare, as blips usually tend to be, but even in terms of blips there is only a very small sliver of a chance that this will happen.

cross-dimensional attraction/relationships

cross-dimensional attraction is also exactly what it sounds like. it is having attraction to someone in a different dimension, whether that attraction is platonic, romantic, or even familial. this is different from simply liking a character, because these feelings often tend to be deeply developed and passionate. this often goes hand-in-hand with kin, in the way that this attraction can persist across lives. some may enter cross-dimensional relationships, which can be defined in a multitude of ways and does not have any particularly definitive meaning.


universal germination: the creation of and subsequent branching of a universe, which can initiate a dimension to branch out as well

main/hub dimensions: the main dimension a variety of facets may be branched off of

facets: a dimension branched off from a main dimension

sub-facets: a dimension branched off from a facet

twin dimensions: two or more dimensions that don't exist in a hub dimension but are closely linked through the people they share and (occasionally) the concepts they may show

dimensional death: the point in which a dimension ceases existing

the multiversal link: the link between all dimensions allowing for an extremely loose connection between them

interdimensional narration: the act of one unconsciously (sometimes consciously) telling the story of another dimension through media

bonding: the connection between two dimensions that share an interdimensional narrator

dimensional merging: the merging of dimensions, which is impossible without bonding and causes dimensional death

dimensional revival: the metaphorical revival of a dead dimension through those who lived within it in past lives

blips: errors that occur within dimensions that cause seemingly impossible or anomalous things to happen, the effects of these errors ranging from mild to severe

cross-dimensional attraction: the platonic, romantic, or familial attraction to someone from a different dimension